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An Acad Bras Cienc ; 91Suppl 2(Suppl 2): e20170390, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29668794


The Mylodontidae Scelidotheriinae (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Tardigrada) are a diversified clade of South American fossil ground sloths, with a wide geographic distribution, especially in high and middle latitudes. According to the last revision, the Quaternary diversity includes the genera Scelidotherium, Catonyx, and Valgipes. The clade Scelidotheriinae is well represented in the Pleistocene of the Tarija-Padcaya basin, and the first mention of these ground sloths correspond to the middle of the XIX Century. Since then, several species (i.e., Scelidotherium tarijensis, Scelidodon tarijensis, Scelidotherium capellini) have been reported as inhabiting the Tarija-Padcaya basin during the Pleistocene. Despite the abundance of fossil records of Scelidotheriinae in this area, no modern taxonomic revisions are available. In consequence, in this contribution a revision of the remains assigned to Scelidotheriinae from the Tarija-Padcaya basin is accomplished, and some biostratigraphic and geographic implications are discussed. Our results show that one single species (Catonyx tarijensis) can be recognized in the studied area, whereas a supposed smaller one (Scelidotherium patrium) actually corresponds to juvenile specimens of C. tarijensis.

Fósseis , Mamíferos/anatomia & histologia , Tardígrados/anatomia & histologia , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Animais , Bolívia , Mamíferos/classificação , Paleontologia , Tardígrados/classificação , Xenarthra/classificação
An Acad Bras Cienc ; 88(2): 809-27, 2016 Jun 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27276376


A large diversity of Glyptodontidae has been proposed as characterizing the Chapadmalalan Age (Pliocene). Most of these taxa were recognized on the basis of partial dorsal carapaces and/or caudal tubes, whereas the main diagnostic characteristic is a particular morphology of the exposed surface of the osteoderms. From a biostratigraphic point of view some species are biostratigraphically important. The Upper Chapadmalalan is based on the Paraglyptodon chapadmalensis biozone. Both the re-evaluation of the type and referred materials and new significant findings from the Chapadmalal and El Polvorín Formations indicate that the diversity of Pliocene Glyptodontidae is more limited than previously supposed. The particular morphology of the exposed surface of the osteoderms that characterizes some of the species actually corresponds to a taphonomic alteration, which results in a non-real ornamentation pattern. Thus, the Glyptodontinae P. chapadmalensis must be replaced as a fossil guide because neither this species nor the species included in the genera Urotherium, Trachycalyptus and Lomaphorus are well characterized. Taking into account the diversity of Glyptodontidae for this lapse, the Glyptodontinae are very scarce (a situation that contrasts with its records in the Pleistocene), whereas Eosclerocalyptus, "Plohophorini" (Plohophorus) and Doedicurinae (cf. Eleutherocercus antiquus) are among the most recorded taxa.

Fósseis , Xenarthra/classificação , Animais , Argentina , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia
Acta biol. colomb ; 21(1): 63-72, Jan.-Apr. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-769033


En esta contribución se da a conocer el primer registro de termiteros fósiles para la región Mesopotámica de Argentina, y su disposición espacial, al tiempo que se discuten sus afinidades taxonómicas e implicancias paleoambientales. Las estructuras fósiles pertenecen a nidificaciones de insectos sociales atribuibles a miembros de la Familia Termitidae, y se ubican en la zona de contacto entre la base de la Fm. Toropí/Yupoí (Pleistoceno tardío) y el tope de la Fm. Ituzaingó (Mioceno tardío-Plioceno). Se las identifica en los alrededores del Arroyo Toropí (28°36' S y 59°02' W), Departamento Bella Vista, provincia de Corrientes. El estudio de las nidificaciones y su disposición espacial se realizó en cinco campos de termiteros mediante su relevamiento y descripción morfológica. La morfología de las estructuras estudiadas coincide claramente con la de los nidos de termitas, en donde resulta característica una fuerte muralla externa. La caracterización de campo, yacencia, desarrollo, frecuencia, tamaños e interrelaciones de los termiteros fósiles y actuales sugieren una estrecha similitud con montículos del género Cornitermes. La morfología presente muestra también cierta semejanza con Tacuruichnus farinai, descripta para el Piso/Edad Marplatense (Plioceno) de la región Pampeana. Por otro lado, el análisis fitolítico indicó que las cantidades y las morfologías fitolíticas son semejantes tanto en los termiteros actuales como en los fósiles. Desde un punto de vista paleoambiental, la abundancia de estos termiteros en el contacto entre las mencionadas unidades indicaría la existencia de suelos bien desarrollados, con abundante vegetación graminosa y condiciones húmedas y cálidas con estacionalidad marcada.

In this contribution we show the first termite nests fossil record presence from the Mesopotamian region of Argentina and its spatial distribution. At the same time taxonomic affinities and paleoenvironmental implications are discussed. The discovery takes place in the contact area between the base of the Toropí / Yupoí formations (late Pleistocene) and the top of the Ituzaingó Fm. (late Miocene-Pliocene), around the Toropí stream (28°36' S y 59°02' W), Bella Vista Department, Corrientes province. These fossil structures belong to nestings of social insects, such as the termite nests type. They could be attributable to representatives of the Termitidae Family. The study of nestings and their spatial arrangement was carried out on five termite nest fields, by surveying and detailed morphological description thereof. The morphology of the studied structures clearly matches with termite nests, with a typical strong outer wall. Characterization of field development, frequency, size and relationships of extant and fossil termite nests suggest a close similarity with mounds of the Cornitermes genus. Furthermore the morphology of these fossil termite nests also shows some resemblance to Tacuruichnus farinai, described for the Marplatanse Stage (Pliocene) of the Pampean region. From a paleoenvironmental point of view, the abundance of these termite nests in the contact between these units indicates the existence of well developed soils with abundant grassy vegetation and humid warm conditions with marked seasonality.

Zootaxa ; 3721: 387-98, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26120683


Among South American Quaternary Glyptodontidae (Mammalia, Cingulata), Neosclerocalyptus Paula Couto represents one of the best known genera. Prior to this contribution, four species were recognized. N. pseudornatus (Ameghino) and N. ornatus (Owen) (Ensenadan Age/Stage, early-middle Pleistocene); N. gouldi Zurita (Bonaerian Age/Stage, middle Pleistocene-late Pleistocene), and N. paskoensis (Zurita) (Lujanian Age/Stage, late Pleistocene-early Holocene). One of the most notable characters of the species of the genus is a modified area located in the distal part of the nasals, recently interpreted as a neomorphic structure derived from the ossification of the nasal cartilages. In this contribution, a new species of Neosclerocalyptus (N. castellanosi sp. nov.), which in turn represents the oldest record of the genus, is presented and described. In addition, a cladistic analysis is carried out to test the monophyly of Neosclerocalyptus and the phylogenetic position of this new species. The material comes from Vorohuean (late Pliocene) levels in the surroundings of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Among other morphological characters, this new species has ossified nasal cartilages restricted to the latero-dorsal area of the nasals, whereas in the remaining species these structures are more expanded and both sides contact in the midline of the skull. In turn, the phylogenetic analysis confirmed the monophyly of Neosclerocalyptus, whereas N. castellanosi sp. nov. appears closely related to N. pseudornatus, being N. ornatus the sister taxa of this clade. On the other hand, N. gouldi + N. paskoensis constitute the other clade. The clade constituted by Hoplophorus euphractus Lund + Panochthus intermedius Lydekker constitutes the sister taxa of Neosclerocalyptus.

Xenarthra/classificação , Animais , Argentina , Cabeça/anatomia & histologia , Cabeça/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Museus , Filogenia , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Xenarthra/genética , Xenarthra/crescimento & desenvolvimento